Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Over the past few months I’ve been prompted, nudged a bit and finally inspired how to word it, so maybe it’s time to write about what’s been going on with me coming up on a year and 6 months this June…where have I been, what have I been up to…? I know it’s been a longtime since I’ve posted a blog, way over due in fact. But I think this will explain much.

Funny thing, there is so much I’m not quite sure where to start! As I write this I am creating the new studio upgrades I will be implementing which will produce the next “mind altering” SotoSoundz release that I am excited to begin tracking and get out to you! Video stills of the session are quite likely as well as other goodies in the works. More on that soon.

Well let me just say to my delight that I added to the myriad of things that I am. I am a Practicing Master which essentially encompassed my life in the timeline mentioned above. This resulted from a quantum leap of faith. However, as author Neale Donald Walsch so poignantly puts it, “this isn’t for the faint of heart” I can completely concur with him on that remark. This is not without sacrifices and a willingness to let go and trust…acceptance of Who You Really Are.

Now I have to admit I’ve always been very connected spiritually even as a small child, in spite of religious exposure much of my life to 98% of religions that there are in addition to various well meaning but misinformed persons posing as spiritual leaders and their belief system. None of that ever gave me the truth that I was seeking. Prior to January 2010, I had become increasingly restless in my continued spiritual evolvement; a slow dying, that felt like I was losing who I was. I needed clear answers, I wanted TRUTH. I was ravenous, thirsty and completely diligent in researching anything I could get my hands on that might help. It was both frustrating me more and at times giving me some glimpses as to what I needed and it truly was a need. This drive is what led me a lot to checking out many books at the little local library in Sunsites, Arizona. Then one day the first week in January 2010, I was drawn to 3 books right next to each other with white covers almost with the look and feel of bibles so I was skeptical because of that but curious just the same. I reached for the first book in line and it read Conversations with God, my thought was “Oh brother…here we go…what’s this?” I then turned the book over and read the back cover and I was completely hooked, blown away and had to get this book along with books 2 & 3. I was thinking with my schedule there’s no way I’m going to get through these 3 books plus one other within 2 weeks. Ha! As soon as I started book 1, I could not put it down. I read the entire book in less than 12 hours! After purchasing a copy of my own, I have read book 1 in particular more than 35+ times, actually I lost count! I have book marked pages, highlighted passages and this book became as quenching for me as water, since I live in the desert I have good knowledge of thirst. It has become my bible. Its truth and wisdom contained within its pages has completely revived me and gave me my life back in a way that could not have possibly happened otherwise.

I am simply telling you what has happened for me. I am not out to recruit anyone but I am out to share and perhaps help those who are in search of truth and to take their lives back. How can I help you? One way is by example, part of what being a practicing master is and by sharing with you all that I am here in this writing.

Now, as for miracles which are what I think a lot of you want to hear about, they are plentiful and happen for me daily in fact many times daily. Some are huge and defy logic and some are simply beautiful such as a humming bird stopping within my circle to communicate with me as I say “hello, you’re beautiful” while feeling the joy of its presence. Trivial you may think…however there are no coincidences in the universe. These miracles really happen. I project love not fear which allows this beautiful creature to stay, linger and spend time with me. What joy it brings!

I came close to some very critical things happening to my livelihood that have evaporated and disappeared! I live free of fear, doubt and worry. Thank you, forever, God, for that! I am free of any sadness, confusion and question that I carried for more than a dozen years as to what happened to my mom after her death. As I now know there is NO death just a transition where we leave the dense part of our bodies behind and go on to experience more experiences of our choosing. That concept may be very deep for most of you to accept at face value by reading this but you have to feel it in your soul as a truth to know. I am free of the lie, false teachings and limiting thoughts about Satan, demons, hell and judgment as none of that exists.

My love for life, my joy, my gratitude is through the roof! I talk to God constantly as I would to any family member or friend and God answers me. My freedom which has always been important to me in my life is now so huge that the hawks in the sky gracefully glide over head beautifully personifying my freedom as I ride my horse enjoying heaven on Earth. I would love to give you all a glimpse of what it feels like. I guess if you want such an experience you will have to create it for yourself. Speaking of creating…all this is possible because of acceptance and consciously creating my reality. Yes, we are all responsible for our own reality through our thoughts and feelings and we are constantly creating it. It’s a pretty heavy responsibly to shoulder when you come to accept there is NO ONE to blame for your life and NO ONE doing anything to YOU! But the beauty in that is once you do accept it is when all the wonder, miracles and beauty of life is really allowed to happen as that is what you would create for yourself. You will no longer be a sleepwalker.

I kept this as short and to the point as possible but I’d certainly enjoy hearing from you if you have anything you’d like to share on this topic. Perhaps it will inspire further dialog. Feel free to pass this blog on as there are many out there who may get inspired and become a conscious creator of their life!

Never stop rockin’ you lovelies.


Books worth reading:

Conversations with God: books 1, 2 & 3, by Neale Donald Walsch

The Power: by Rhonda Byrne

Taking the Quantum Leap: by Fred Allen Wolf


Circle of Nations, by John Two Hawks


The Secret

What the Bleep Do We Know?